Alumni and Friends of The London School of Economics in The U.S. eNewsletters Archive...
LSE Alumni NYC Chapter Seven O'clock Club on Mon, March 2 - Meeting on the 1st Floor at The Churchil Sent on Mar. 1st, 2020 to City Chapter New York City
LSE Alumni NYC Chapter Seven O'clock Club on Mon, Feb 3 - Meeting on the 1st Floor at The Churchill Sent on Feb. 2nd, 2020 to City Chapter New York City
REMINDER: AFLSE New York City Chapter Seven O'clock Club with Special Guest on Mon, Jan 6 Sent on Jan. 1st, 2020 to City Chapter New York City
LSE Alumni New York City Chapter Seven O'clock Club with Special Guest on Mon, Jan 6 Sent on Dec. 23rd, 2019 to City Chapter New York City
SATURDAY: LSE Alumni New York City Chapter Holiday Party - A Few Tickets Are Still Available Sent on Dec. 5th, 2019 to City Chapter New York City
REMINDER: LSE Alumni New York City Chapter Holiday Party on Dec 7 Sent on Nov. 28th, 2019 to City Chapter New York City
LSE Alumni New York City Chapter Holiday Party on Dec 7 Sent on Nov. 16th, 2019 to City Chapter New York City
LSE NYC Area Alumni: We hope to see you on Monday evening! Sent on Nov. 3rd, 2019 to City Chapter New York City
LSE NYC Area Alumni: We hope to see you on Monday evening! Sent on Oct. 5th, 2019 to City Chapter New York City
LSE NYC Alumni: 7pm tonight - Special guest Dr. Maha Hosain Aziz on her new book Future World Order Sent on Jul. 8th, 2019 to City Chapter New York City
LSE New York Area Alumni: Please join us for these two great speaker events! Sent on Jun. 25th, 2019 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Additional spaces for the Met Museum and rooftop drinks this Friday, May 17 Sent on May. 14th, 2019 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Met Museum and rooftop drinks this Friday, May 17; Concert in the Park June 12 Sent on May. 11th, 2019 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tonight, Met Museum and rooftop drinks Friday, May 17 Sent on May. 6th, 2019 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday: March 4 - Churchill Tavern second floor from 7pm Sent on Mar. 3rd, 2019 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday: February 4 - Churchill Tavern second floor from 7pm Sent on Feb. 3rd, 2019 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday January 7 - Churchill Tavern second floor from 7pm Sent on Jan. 4th, 2019 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party open to non-Members and guests / Sold Out: Lord Mervyn King/John Williams Sent on Nov. 29th, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Registration for Holiday Party, Lord Mervyn King in conversation with Dr. John Williams Sent on Nov. 25th, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Registration for Holiday Party, The State of Economics & Lord Mervyn King/John Williams Sent on Nov. 13th, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday is tomorrow November 5 // Holiday Party and Special Event in December Sent on Nov. 4th, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday is tomorrow October 1 Sent on Sep. 30th, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - This Thursday: Destination LSE event to welcome incoming students Sent on Aug. 14th, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Destination LSE Thursday, August 16; no First Monday in August Sent on Aug. 5th, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Wednesday evening: NY Philharmonic in the Park Sent on Jun. 13th, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday on June 4, NY Philharmonic in the Park on June 13, Destination LSE Aug. 16 Sent on Jun. 1st, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Summer events including Met Museum Tour and Rooftop Drinks on Friday, May 18 Sent on May. 13th, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - May's First Monday; Met Museum Tour and Rooftop Drinks on Friday, May 18 Sent on May. 5th, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Networking Night on Tues. April 24, Met Museum Tour and Rooftop Drinks on Fri. May 18 Sent on Apr. 10th, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tonight, Networking Night April 24 Sent on Apr. 2nd, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - March First Monday tonight, Networking Night April 24 Sent on Mar. 5th, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - 6:30pm start for tomorrow's First Monday: Special guest for a Brexit discussion Sent on Feb. 4th, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Mondays: Special guest and Brexit discussion Feb. 5 Sent on Jan. 29th, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tomorrow January 8 Sent on Jan. 8th, 2018 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Last call for the Holiday Party this Friday Dec. 1 at BBar Sent on Nov. 26th, 2017 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday & event with new Director Dr. Minouche Shafik on Oct. 27 Sent on Oct. 2nd, 2017 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tomorrow at Churchill Tavern (in Garden Room on second floor) Sent on Sep. 10th, 2017 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Destination LSE on Thursday, no First Monday in August Sent on Aug. 7th, 2017 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Special talk about gender in the workplace before July's First Monday Sent on Jul. 10th, 2017 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tonight, UK election watch party on Thursday Sent on Jun. 5th, 2017 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Met Museum on Friday, reception with Professor Conor Gearty on May 31, UK election event Sent on May. 17th, 2017 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Met Museum next Friday, special lecture by Professor Conor Gearty on May 31 Sent on May. 11th, 2017 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - No First Monday tonight, Met Museum tour Friday May 19 Sent on May. 1st, 2017 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Met Museum tour Friday May 19, First Monday May 1 at Churchill Tavern Sent on Apr. 19th, 2017 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Special talk and reception on Thursday March 2, First Mondays March 6 at the Churchill Sent on Feb. 26th, 2017 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday TONIGHT our NEW venue: Churchill Tavern Sent on Feb. 6th, 2017 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday Feb 6 @ Churchill Tavern, Brexit Talk Feb 9 @ Princeton Club Sent on Jan. 29th, 2017 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday next week + new location in February! Sent on Jan. 2nd, 2017 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party - 10 tickets left, sales end tomorrow at 5pm! Sent on Nov. 30th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party next Saturday, December 3 Sent on Nov. 26th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party less than two weeks away - At Parlor on Saturday, December 3 Sent on Nov. 21st, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party Saturday December 3 Sent on Nov. 14th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party tickets available and November First Monday Sent on Oct. 29th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tonight Sent on Oct. 3rd, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - September First Monday Sent on Sep. 10th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Tomorrow night: Destination LSE (Bon voyage party) Sent on Aug. 8th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Destination LSE (Bon Voyage party) August 9 Sent on Aug. 1st, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tomorrow night, Destination LSE (Bon Voyage party) August 9 Sent on Jul. 10th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Philharmonic in the Park on Wednesday, Destination LSE August 9 Sent on Jun. 13th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - June First Monday, Philharmonic in the Park, Networking Night June 21 Sent on Jun. 5th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Summer events: Met Museum, Philharmonic in the Park, Networking Night, Destination LSE Sent on May. 12th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - 15 Additional spaces for the Met Museum tour May 20 Sent on May. 8th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday May 2, Met Museum tour May 20, Philharmonic in Central Park June 15 Sent on May. 1st, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday May 2, Met Museum tour May 20, Philharmonic in Central Park June 15 Sent on Apr. 24th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tomorrow and Special Career Event April 18 Sent on Apr. 4th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Special Career Event April 18: Panel Discussion and Networking Evening Sent on Mar. 19th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Update: Tonight's First Monday will be on the FIRST floor of the Playwright Tavern Sent on Mar. 7th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday event tomorrow March 7 - Alumni Start-Up Hub expanding to NYC Sent on Mar. 6th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday event tomorrow February 1 Sent on Jan. 31st, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday event next Monday February 1 Sent on Jan. 25th, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday event this Monday January 4 Sent on Jan. 2nd, 2016 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party this Friday - Tickets sales end at noon on Wednesday Sent on Dec. 1st, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party this Friday Dec. 4 - Tickets available until noon on Wednesday Sent on Nov. 29th, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party next Friday Dec. 4 - Tickets available now Sent on Nov. 24th, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party Friday Dec 4, tickets available now Sent on Nov. 16th, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tomorrow Nov 2 and Holiday Party Dec 4 Sent on Nov. 1st, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tomorrow Oct 5 Sent on Oct. 4th, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday on Sept 14 and a survey on the Bon Voyage Party Sent on Sep. 5th, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE Bon Voyage Party tomorrow evening Sent on Aug. 3rd, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE Bon Voyage Party Tuesday, August 4 - *with corrected RSVP link* Sent on Jul. 28th, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE Bon Voyage Party Tuesday, August 4 Sent on Jul. 27th, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Philharmonic in Central Park this Wednesday June 17 Sent on Jun. 14th, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Met Museum Tour on Friday - Philharmonic in Central Park June 17 Sent on May. 26th, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Third Thursday cancelled - Met Museum Tour and Rooftop Drinks - Friday May 29 Sent on May. 21st, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Met Museum Tour and Rooftop Drinks - Friday May 29 Sent on May. 15th, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tomorrow and Third Thursday on April 16 Sent on Apr. 6th, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday and Third Thursday in March Sent on Mar. 1st, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Third Thursday at Emerald Pub tonight Sent on Feb. 19th, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - February First Monday Sent on Feb. 1st, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Change of venue for Third Thursday Sent on Jan. 13th, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - January First Monday and Third Thursday Sent on Jan. 2nd, 2015 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party ticket sales close at noon Tuesday! Sent on Dec. 1st, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party Friday December 5 - Discounted tickets end Friday Sent on Nov. 27th, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party Friday December 5 Sent on Nov. 21st, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
Guy Fawkes Party this evening - 7-10pm Sent on Nov. 5th, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday cancelled, Guy Fawkes Party on Wednesday, Third Thursday on Nov 20 Sent on Nov. 2nd, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - No First Monday in Nov, Guy Fawkes Party on Nov 5, Third Thursday on Nov 20 Sent on Oct. 26th, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - October First Monday and Third Thursday Sent on Oct. 3rd, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
Change of venue for tonight's Third Thursday Sent on Sep. 18th, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - September First Monday (tonight!) and Third Thursday Sent on Sep. 8th, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
Bon Voyage this Thursday, First Monday cancelled for August, Special Discussion August 27th Sent on Aug. 4th, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
Alternative plans for NY Philharmonic Concert in the Park due to rain Sent on Jul. 14th, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - NY Philharmonic Concert in the Park & Bon Voyage Sent on Jul. 2nd, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE Lawyers Special Interest Group - Networking breakfast June 18 - New York City Sent on Jun. 12th, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Met Museum tour and rooftop drinks this Friday, June First Monday and Third Thursday Sent on May. 27th, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday, Third Thursday and Met Museum tour Sent on May. 5th, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Reception with the Director this Monday, Met Museum Tour May 30 Sent on Apr. 18th, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Evening with the Director, First Monday and Third Thursday Sent on Apr. 5th, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Special Networking Event, First Monday and Third Thursday Sent on Mar. 1st, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday February 3 and Third Thursday February 20 Sent on Feb. 1st, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tonight and Third Thursday (1/16) Sent on Jan. 6th, 2014 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party next Friday, Dec 6 Sent on Nov. 25th, 2013 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party (12/6) and Third Thursday (11/21) Sent on Nov. 15th, 2013 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday (11/4) and Third Thursday (11/21) Sent on Nov. 1st, 2013 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tomorrow night (10/7), Third Thursday (10/17) Sent on Oct. 6th, 2013 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Bon Voyage Evening this Wednesday, First Monday cancelled, Third Thursday 8/15 Sent on Aug. 5th, 2013 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Concert in the Park Monday night and Boat Cruise July 27 Sent on Jul. 14th, 2013 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tonight, Business lecture at Barnard, Concert in the Park 7/15 Sent on Jul. 1st, 2013 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Met Museum tour May 31, Women's Library event June 6, First Monday and Third Thursday Sent on May. 24th, 2013 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Lecture and mixer events tonight, Met Museum tour May 31 Sent on May. 16th, 2013 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tomorrow night (5/6), special talk (5/16) and Met Museum tour (5/31) Sent on May. 5th, 2013 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday TONIGHT Sent on Apr. 1st, 2013 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday TONIGHT and a special event on March 20 Sent on Mar. 4th, 2013 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - New venue for Third Thursday this week - 2/21 Sent on Feb. 20th, 2013 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday TONIGHT and new venue for Third Thursday 2/21 Sent on Feb. 4th, 2013 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tomorrow night and Third Thursday 1/17 Sent on Jan. 6th, 2013 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NY Holiday Party this Friday - Advance ticket sales end at midnight tonight Sent on Dec. 5th, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NY Holiday Party this Friday - Tickets available until midnight Wednesday Sent on Dec. 4th, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NY Holiday Party - Friday December 7 - 7:30pm at Parlor Sent on Nov. 30th, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC November newsletter - First Monday/Guy Fawkes Day tonight from 7pm, Third Thursday Nov 15 Sent on Nov. 5th, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Special meet up Thursday night and Oktoberfest Saturday 10/6 Sent on Sep. 27th, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday tomorrow night and Third Thursday 9/20 Sent on Sep. 10th, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Bon Voyage Evening next Tuesday, Third Thursday 8/16 Sent on Aug. 2nd, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Summer events - NY Philharmonic and Bon Voyage Sent on Jul. 9th, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday TONIGHT and Third Thursday 6/21 Sent on Jun. 4th, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Circle Line cruise June 9 - First Monday and Third Thursday Sent on May. 29th, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC- Third Thursday tomorrow and Circle Line cruise June 9 Sent on May. 16th, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - First Monday TONIGHT and Third Thursday Sent on May. 7th, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Special social TONIGHT, May's First Monday and Third Thursday Sent on Apr. 26th, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Special events: Reception with New Director and UK alum happy hour Sent on Apr. 12th, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - April newsletter - First Monday tomorrow night and reception with the Director Designate Sent on Apr. 1st, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - March newsletter - First Monday tomorrow night Sent on Mar. 4th, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - February newsletter - First Monday tomorrow night Sent on Feb. 5th, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - January newsletter Sent on Jan. 3rd, 2012 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Holiday Party this Friday Dec 2 Sent on Nov. 30th, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE - Venue change for tonight's Third Thursday Sent on Nov. 17th, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - November newsletter - Third Thursday tomorrow, Holiday Party Dec 2 Sent on Nov. 16th, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Update: Special events this fall - Two tomorrow night Sent on Oct. 25th, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Special events this fall - Guy Fawkes Night Nov 5 Sent on Oct. 21st, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - October newsletter - LSE Dept of Management talk and Third Thursday Sent on Oct. 12th, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Sept newsletter - First Monday and Third Thursday this week Sent on Sep. 10th, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Bon Voyage Party tomorrow night! Sent on Aug. 3rd, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - August newsletter - Bon Voyage Party Thurs Aug. 4 Sent on Jul. 30th, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - July newsletter - First Monday Happy Hour tonight Sent on Jul. 11th, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - June Newsletter - Met Museum tour 6/10 Sent on Jun. 3rd, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE New York City - May Newsletter - Beer hall this Saturday at noon! Sent on May. 5th, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE New York City - Spring Events: MayFest! at Manhattan's new beer garden and a Met Museum tour Sent on Apr. 26th, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE New York City - April's First Monday (4/2) and Third Thursday (4/16) Sent on Apr. 4th, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NY - First Monday TONIGHT! No Third Thursday this month Sent on Mar. 7th, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NY - Feb. newsletter: First Monday 2/7, Third Thursday 2/17 Sent on Feb. 7th, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Soros event tonight, tickets available until noon Sent on Jan. 19th, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NYC - Soros event tonight, tickets available until noon Sent on Jan. 18th, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NY - January newsletter - First Monday tonight - George Soros event Jan. 19 Sent on Jan. 3rd, 2011 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NY - Third Thursday is cancelled this month - 2011 preview Sent on Dec. 8th, 2010 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NY - Final Sale of tickets for Friday's Holiday Party Sent on Dec. 1st, 2010 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NY - Holiday Party this Friday! Sent on Nov. 29th, 2010 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NY - Holiday Party Dec 3 - George Soros event Jan 19 Sent on Nov. 19th, 2010 to City Chapter New York City
AFLSE NY - Holiday Party Dec 3 -- George Soros event Jan 19 Sent on Nov. 1st, 2010 to City Chapter New York City
NY AFLSE - October Newsletter - Guy Fawkes and Holiday Party Sent on Oct. 15th, 2010 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Bon Voyage Party Next Week (8/5/2010) Sent on Jul. 29th, 2010 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Philharmonic in the Park (UPDATE BELOW) Sent on Jul. 13th, 2010 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Philharmonic in the Park (Tuesday 7/13) Sent on Jul. 12th, 2010 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Philharmonic in the Park (Tuesday 7/13) Sent on Jul. 11th, 2010 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - GOLD Met Tour This Friday (6/18) Sent on Jun. 14th, 2010 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Sunset Cruise Tickets Last Chance For Discounted Tickets Sent on Jun. 2nd, 2010 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Sunset Cruise Tickets Going Fast Sent on Jun. 1st, 2010 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - May Newsletter Sent on May. 27th, 2010 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - February Newsletter Sent on Feb. 19th, 2010 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - HOLIDAY PARTY FRIDAY (Today-12/4) - LAST CHANCE TO SAVE UP TO $20 ONLINE Sent on Dec. 4th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - HOLIDAY PARTY FRIDAY (12/4) - SAVE UP TO $20 IF YOU ORDER ONLINE Sent on Nov. 30th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - HOLIDAY PARTY NEXT FRIDAY (12/4) - TICKETS GOING QUICKLY Sent on Nov. 27th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - November Newsletter - Happy Holidays - CORRECTION Sent on Nov. 23rd, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - November Newsletter - Happy Holidays Sent on Nov. 23rd, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Guy Fawkes Party This Friday (11/6) - Only A Few Tickets Left Sent on Nov. 4th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Guy Fawkes Tickets Going Fast Sent on Oct. 25th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - October 2009 Newsletter Sent on Oct. 9th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - September 2009 Newsletter Sent on Sep. 4th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Visiting Professor (Aug. 3rd) and Bon Voyage Party (August 6th) Sent on Jul. 31st, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Philharmonic in the Park (July 14th) and Bon Voyage Party (August 6th) Sent on Jul. 5th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Tickets Still Available - Gold Event (6/6) and Middle East Policy Event (6/9) Sent on Jun. 1st, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
Your New York AFLSE Chapter Needs Your Help to Make Our Goal Now! Sent on May. 30th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Tickets Still Available- Pub Quiz (Today) and Middle East Policy Event Sent on May. 26th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Tickets Still Available- Pub Quiz (Next Week) and Middle East Policy Event (June 9) Sent on May. 21st, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Pub Quiz (May 26th) and Middle East Policy Event (June 9th) Sent on May. 14th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
CORRECTION: New York AFLSE - Pub ASSESSMENT (this weekend) and Nick Stern Lecture (next Monday) Sent on Apr. 30th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Pub Quiz (this weekend) and Nick Stern Lecture (next Monday) Sent on Apr. 29th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - April Newsletter Sent on Apr. 16th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Third Thursday Happy Hour This Week Sent on Mar. 17th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - January Newsletter Sent on Feb. 11th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - January Newsletter Sent on Jan. 25th, 2009 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Happy Holidays Sent on Dec. 17th, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Holiday Party - LAST CHANCE TO SIGN UP Sent on Dec. 3rd, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Holiday Party - STILL SPOTS LEFT - SIGN UP NOW TO RESERVE YOURS Sent on Nov. 30th, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Holiday Party - CORRECTED LINK - LIMITED NUMBER OF SPOTS LEFT Sent on Nov. 24th, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE - Holiday Party - LIMITED NUMBER OF SPOTS LEFT Sent on Nov. 23rd, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE November Newsletter - Holiday Party - December 5th Sent on Nov. 15th, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE October Newsletter - THIS WEEK - Third Thursdays and a GOLD Event Sent on Oct. 12th, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE September Newsletter - Third Thursdays and a GOLD Event Sent on Sep. 25th, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE August Newsletter - New Student Bon Voyage This Thursday Sent on Aug. 4th, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE July Newsletter Sent on Jul. 11th, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE Pub Quiz This Week Sent on Jun. 21st, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE June Newsletter Sent on Jun. 3rd, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE May Newsletter Sent on May. 12th, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
Real Estate Group Evening Seminar April 15th - don't miss you chance to attend Sent on Apr. 8th, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York March Newsletter Sent on Mar. 24th, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York February Newsletter Sent on Feb. 26th, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York Wine Tasting on Saturday, January 12th Sent on Jan. 5th, 2008 to City Chapter New York City
New York Wine Tasting Coming Soon - Tickets Limited Sent on Dec. 29th, 2007 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE: Merrill Lynch event this Wednesday Sent on Dec. 3rd, 2007 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE Holiday Party November 30th Sent on Nov. 27th, 2007 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE November Newsletter Sent on Nov. 20th, 2007 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE October Newsletter Sent on Nov. 1st, 2007 to City Chapter New York City
Registration Still Open for Upcoming New York Events Sent on Sep. 26th, 2007 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE September Newsletter Sent on Sep. 18th, 2007 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE August Newsletter Sent on Aug. 31st, 2007 to City Chapter New York City
Reminder: Bon Voyage Party Thursday August 9th Sent on Aug. 7th, 2007 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE July Newsletter Sent on Jul. 25th, 2007 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE June Newsletter Sent on Jun. 28th, 2007 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE May Newsletter Sent on May. 22nd, 2007 to City Chapter New York City
New York AFLSE April Newsletter Sent on Apr. 23rd, 2007 to City Chapter New York City
New York List Server Closing: Transition to Web Newsletter Sent on Apr. 21st, 2007 to City Chapter New York City