Board of Directors, Officers & LSE Honorees, Past Presidents
Alumni and Friends of the London School of Economics in the United States (AFLSE) as of April 2019.
Board of Directors Chris Bodell New York Co-Chair John Casey New York Co-Chair Sean M. Culhane George Davidson Connor Galvin Chapter Coordinator New York Co-Chair Nathan Gardner Boston Co-Chair Patrick Girasole Boston Co-Chair Elizabeth Halpern Treasurer Washington, DC Co-Chair Osman Khan Special Interest Group Chair Thomas E. Kern LSE Alumni Association President Michael Lee LSEAA North America Ambassador Lauren Maffeo Vice President Washington, DC Co-Chair Clair Montanez Norm Morneau Chicago Chair Michael Morris Amanda Toombs San Diego Co-Chair Blair Nelson-Stanford Scott Pedowitz Secretary Washington, DC Co-Chair Michael-John Pierce New York Co-Chair Edward Price Margo Rocklin Denver Co-Chair Mont Rogers President David Sahr Mauricio Santana San Francisco Co-Chair Ann Imlah Schneider L. Mark Stone IT Chair Guia Gomez Villavicencio Robert Weinberg |
Honorary LSE Fellows in the U.S.A.
AFLSE Editorial Board Mont Rogers Editor in Chief
AFLSE Investment Committee John Casey Chairperson John Charman Michael Morris Brandon Perlow Mont Rogers
AFLSE Membership and Affinity Group Committee Maurice Gritzalis Chairperson Tricia Coyle LSE Foundation Raahim Don Hedge Fund Coordinator Jennifer Hopkins Osman Khan Management Consulting Coordinator Frederic Manuel Real Estate Coordinator Normand Morneau Media Coordinator
AFLSE Scholarship Committee Elizabeth Halpern Chairperson Sean Culhane Alex Eble Lauren Maffeo Bret Noble Margo Rocklin Richard Stein Anne Wingate |
Past Presidents of the AFLSE