Alumni and Friends of The London School of Economics in The U.S. eNewsletters Archive...
LSE Alumni Seattle Chapter Holiday Party on Thursday, December 5th Sent on Dec. 2nd, 2019 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Alumni Seattle Chapter Destination LSE Event on Thursday, August 15 Sent on Aug. 3rd, 2019 to City Chapter Seattle
REMINDER: LSE Alumni Seattle Chapter Happy Hour Mixer on Wednesday, March 13th Sent on Mar. 12th, 2019 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Alumni Seattle Chapter Happy Hour Mixer on Wednesday, March 13th Sent on Mar. 1st, 2019 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Alumni Seattle Chapter Holiday Party on Wed, Dec 5 Sent on Nov. 27th, 2018 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Alumni Seattle Area Pub Mixer on Wed. Oct. 10 Sent on Oct. 8th, 2018 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Alumni Seattle Area Pub Mixer on Wed. June 6th Sent on May. 26th, 2018 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Alumni Seattle Holiday Party on Thurs, Dec 7th Sent on Nov. 29th, 2017 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Pub Mixer on Thursday, October 12th Sent on Oct. 10th, 2017 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Destination LSE Bon Voyage Party for Students Departing to LSE on Aug 10 Sent on Aug. 9th, 2017 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Pub Mixer on Thursday, July 13th Sent on Jul. 12th, 2017 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Chapter Planning Meeting on Jan 12 Sent on Dec. 30th, 2016 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Holiday Party on Thur Nov 10 Sent on Nov. 7th, 2016 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni are Invited to a Pub Mixer on Thursday, September 8th Sent on Sep. 6th, 2016 to City Chapter Seattle
Destination LSE Bon Voyage Party for Students Departing to LSE Sent on Jul. 16th, 2016 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni are Invited to the LSE North American Networking Night - June 21st Sent on Jun. 16th, 2016 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni are Invited to a Pub Mixer - May 12th Sent on May. 5th, 2016 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Mixer with The Ivy Plus Society - Thursday, April 21st Sent on Apr. 18th, 2016 to City Chapter Seattle
REMINDER: Seattle Area LSE Alumni Planning Meeting - Thur Jan 28th at 6 pm, Wilde Rover in Kirkland Sent on Jan. 25th, 2016 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Planning Meeting - January 28th at 6 pm, Wilde Rover in Kirkland, WA Sent on Jan. 5th, 2016 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Holiday Party - Saturday, December 12th Sent on Dec. 4th, 2015 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Survey Sent on Nov. 10th, 2015 to City Chapter Seattle
REMINDER: LSE Seattle Alumni Bon Voyage Party for LSE Students on Thur, Aug 6 + Barbecue on Aug 23 Sent on Aug. 6th, 2015 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Reception with Professor Craig Calhoun - Friday, July 31st Sent on Jul. 22nd, 2015 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Mixer - Thursday, June 11th Sent on Jun. 1st, 2015 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Mixer - Thursday, April 23th Sent on Apr. 21st, 2015 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Mixer - Thursday October 16th at Wild Rover Sent on Sep. 24th, 2014 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Mixer - May 22th Sent on May. 4th, 2014 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Events for 2014 Sent on Dec. 17th, 2013 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Seattle Area Alumni are Invited to Our Bon Voyage Party for LSE Students - July 18th Sent on Jul. 10th, 2013 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Seattle Area Alumni are Invited to Our Mixer - Thursday, May 9th Sent on Apr. 27th, 2013 to City Chapter Seattle
*Reminder* AFLSE Seattle Mixer on Thursday February 7th Sent on Feb. 2nd, 2013 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Events for 2013 Sent on Dec. 28th, 2012 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Seattle Area Alumni are Invited to Our Special Mixer with LSE's Dr Ted Piepenbrock - Nov. 16 Sent on Nov. 10th, 2012 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Seattle Area Alumni are Invited to Our Mixer - Nov. 8 Sent on Oct. 3rd, 2012 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Seattle Area Alumni are Invited to Our Annual Bon Voyage Party for New LSE Students Sent on Jul. 20th, 2012 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Area LSE Alumni Events for 2012 Sent on Jan. 13th, 2012 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Seattle Area Alumni are Invited to a Pub Quiz on October 21st Sent on Sep. 30th, 2011 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Seattle Area Alumni are Invited to Our Annual Bon Voyage Party for New LSE Students Sent on Jun. 18th, 2011 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Seattle Area Alumni are Invited to an Event with Firoz Lalji, Chairman and CEO of Zones, Inc. Sent on Apr. 28th, 2011 to City Chapter Seattle
AFLSE Seattle Holiday Wishes and Chapter News Sent on Dec. 17th, 2010 to City Chapter Seattle
*Reminder* All LSE Seattle Area Alumni are Invited to a Bon Voyage Party for New LSE Students Sent on Jun. 19th, 2010 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Seattle Area Alumni are Invited to a Bon Voyage Party for New LSE Students Sent on Jun. 8th, 2010 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Alumni - Invite to AFLSE Seattle Mixer Sent on Mar. 31st, 2010 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Alumni - Invite to AFLSE Seattle Mixer Sent on Jan. 15th, 2010 to City Chapter Seattle
LSE Alumni are Invited to a Tour of the Microsoft Center for Information Work Sent on Sep. 29th, 2009 to City Chapter Seattle
Your Seattle AFLSE Chapter Needs Your Help to Make Our Goal Now! Sent on Jun. 11th, 2009 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Chapter Newsletter - Sept. 19th Mixer Sent on Sep. 5th, 2007 to City Chapter Seattle
Reminder - AFLSE Seattle Mixer - July 11 Sent on Jul. 9th, 2007 to City Chapter Seattle
Seattle Chapter Monthly Newsletter - July 11 Mixer Sent on Jun. 21st, 2007 to City Chapter Seattle