October Happenings AFLSE/LA

Dear Reader,

The highlights of our month will be two panel discussions on how to bring corporations to account following industrial accidents, such as the BP Gulf disaster.  Many people have asked - What is the President doing on this issue?  The more interesting question is - What are you doing?  Specifically, what are you doing on Thursday and Friday evenings this week?  If you are interested in the environment, international relations, the law, risk management or banking, here are some fascinating panels to attend.  Bring your friends and colleagues.  It's all free, including free wine and cheese receptions afterwards.

Oct 7 at 5pm BP and Beyond - International Approaches to Corporate Accountability

at Loyola Law School in Downtown Los Angeles. 

LSE alum Gerard Forlin QC will debate Tom Girardi, the King of Torts.

In the presence of the British Consul General Dame Barbara Hay

Free event followed by a free wine and cheese reception.

MCLE credit available for an admin fee of $20. 

RSVP to losangeles@aflse.org

Oct 8 at 5.30pm at Mosher Alum Hall at UC Santa Barbara

LSE alum Gerard Forlin QC will join two Santa Barbara attorneys with experience in oil disaster law, free event followed by a free wine and cheese reception.

MCLE credit available. 

RSVP to losangeles@aflse.org

October also heralds the usual drinks mixers with Ivy Plus and the all MBA cocktail hour. 

Please let us know if you are interested in organising an LSE mixer of any kind - which is your local watering hole?  Please share with the group.

Los Angeles: Mixer with The Ivy Plus Society
Wednesday, 10/20/10 at 9:30pm

The Ivy Plus Society (TIPS) invites LSE alumni and friends to join other Ivy-type business school alums at their event at Ozumo - Santa Monica.

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Los Angeles: Orange County Mixer with The Ivy Plus Society
Thursday, 10/14/10 at 10:00pm

The Ivy Plus Society (TIPS) invites LSE alumni and friends to join other Ivy-type business school alums at their event at Landmark in Corona Del Mar.

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LSE Announces Launch of Civil Service, Government and Public Policy Alumni Group
Thursday, 09/30/10 at 2:09pm

The LSE Alumni Department are pleased to announce the creation of a new special interest group for LSE alumni working in The Civil Service, Government, Public Policy and related sectors.

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The AFLSE Premier League
The highest order of LSE alumni membership in the United States.

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Los Angeles: Discussion on International Approaches to Corporate Liability
Friday, 10/8/10 at 8:00pm

LSE alum Gerard Forlin QC and leading Southern California environmental attorneys will address the issue of international approaches to corporate liability in post BP world.

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Los Angeles: Presentation and Discussion
Thursday, 10/7/10 at 9:30pm

Harvard Business School professor Anita Elberse shares her insight on monetizing the "long tail" of media content, the consequences of unbundling content, and the new rules of promoting content through YouTube and other aggregators.

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AFLSE Helps Job Seekers with an LSE Fact Sheet to Attach to your Resume
Tuesday, 11/16/10 at 3:34pm

Some recruiters in the US have never heard of LSE and cannot easily recognize the true value of your degree. AFLSE has crafted a document to attach to your resume to help provide some pertinent background. Also available as a PDF.

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Los Angeles: Panel Discussion on International Approaches to Corporate Liability
Thursday, 10/7/10 at 8:00pm

Join your fellow alums and the alums of Loyola Law School and members of other influential groups for an evening panel discussion on international approaches to corporate liability in the post-BP world.

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