Welcome to the AFLSE Chapter/Group Directory!

AFLSE has 18 official City Chapters across the United States.  Representatives can be found in 9 additional locations to help you meet other LSE alumni in those areas.  Special Interest Groups exist for 16 categories of common association amongst alumni.  Use the links below to access their unique webpages.

Chapter Guidelines



Atlanta Detroit New York City
Boston Houston  Philadelphia
Chicago Los Angeles San Diego
Cleveland  Miami San Francisco
Dallas-Fort Worth  Minneapolis Seattle
Denver New Orleans Washington DC


Arizona Davis/Sacramento  Maine 
Buffalo Downstate Illinois Pensacola
Central Florida Indiana St. Louis




Careers and Networking LSE Students
(Admitted & Current)
Management Consulting
 Education  LSE Students
Cohort 2014/15
Financial Services LSE Students
Cohort 2013/14
Not-For-Profit / NGOs
Intergovernmental Organizations LSE Students
Cohort 2012/13
Real Estate
Legal LSE Students
Cohort 2011/12
  US Government
 LSE Students Cohort 2009/10 LSE Students
Cohort 2010/11
LSE Students Cohort 2008/09

Are you interested in forming a new chapter, representative group, or special interest group?
Contact us at info@AFLSE.org.